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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Food for your skin

1.You know Im gonna go there, dont you?!COCONUT OIL:Unrefined and non-hydrogenated coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that act as antioxidants and fight free radical damage.Free radical damage helps cause wrinkles. Coconut oil  also helps remove dead skin cells which can also make your skin look smoother and younger. It helps with fine lines, sagging skin and stretch marks. Its best to apply your oil before bed on a freshly cleansed face I do mine an hour before bed. Gently massage the oil into skin with an up and outward motion try not to just rub it in. Trust me this works.
Coconut oil has too many benefits to list but here are just a few....
                                            Thanks I love your site.

2.Please pass the HONEY : Yup! Raw honey for wrinkles!Before pasteurization, honey contains bee pollen, propolis, and other components that stimulate the growth of new skin. Honey has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries even by the ancient Egyptians because of its antiseptic properties and as a natural skin care product.Honey contains mild alpha hydroxy acids, such as gluconic acid these are safe acids to use on our skin and are able to increase elasticity, balance out oily skin, stimulate collagen production, and minimize lines and wrinkles, thus making you look younger.Like coconut oil it reduces the damage done by free radicals as well and is a great facial moisturizer. To make a honey mask simply wash your face with a gentle cleanser pat dry. Apply a very thin layer of raw honey it will be messy!!!! But worth it! Leave on for 10- 15 min. Rinse off, Pat dry. Your skin will instantly feel smooth and plump. This is one of my favorite masks because it smells soooo sweet. Remember before starting to put your hair up and clear of area you are going to put honey on.

3.My favorite morning breakfast.... PAPAYA!!!!
The pulp of the papaya fruit can help reduce wrinkles. Papayas contain an enzyme called papain that is known as a digestive enzyme that can also help repair wrinkles.Papayas help rebuild the elastin thereby rebuilding healthy skin and  preventing wrinkling.Papaya Facial Mask:To make a papaya facial mask, select a green papaya, one that is not yet fully ripe. Mash one half of the papaya and combine with a tablespoon of honey. Cleanse the face with warm water and apply the papaya mask. Leave on for a half hour and then rinse off. This can be repeated twice a week to help rebuild skin and prevent wrinkles.So many benefits.....

4.Pumpkin seeds
 :They contain zinc, which promotes cell repair and growth, and is a key member of a group of enzymes that helps to maintain skin’s collagen supply. Without zinc, the enzymes that rebuild new collagen do not function properly. In addition to preventing wrinkles, Zinc also prevents and aids in the healing of stretch marks, cellulite, and other outward signs of aging. I have no pumpkin seed mask to share but pumpkin seeds are yummy. I like to eat them raw which can be purchased at a health food store or online can be added to trail mix. Short on time? I buy Kind healthy grain bars at my local market that contain pumpkin seeds they are really tasty.You can make a pumpkin mylk...find the recipe in Ani phyo's book Ani's Raw food kitchen or search online.

: Hydration is key.One of the causes of wrinkles is lack of moisture. Making sure our skin stays hydrated helps prevent wrinkles. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day in order to remain healthy. Water helps us to get rid of the toxins and unwanted waste materials from our body.Our bodies are like 60-65% water so of course we need to replenish it every chance we get.

The above listed remedies are also great for the treatment of acne.Of course a healthy lifestyle in general is the best we can give our bodies and if we are kind to it then believe me it will be kind to us. There are thousands of remedies we could use to help prevent aging and treating existing wrinkles but of course as usual I listed my favorite five. If you have one you felt should have made the list please feel free to share.

Get rid of the dark eye circles!

We all at one point have a day when we have major dark circles under our eyes. Sure you can use make up to cover it up but why not try to alleviate the dark hue first? There are many natural home remedies to lighten those circles. Im going to list a few that work for me. So get ready to put eyes on your potatoes....

.....ummmmm I meant to write, get ready to put potato slices under your eyes!!!!

I cut a round slice then cut that in half and slice a small groove for under my eye like the picture to the left and then apply slice to under eye area and leave on for a few minutes, its that easy!!!!!!

1. Potato: Cut one round sliceof potato not too thin not too thick and place under your eyes for a couple minutes.Repeat this daily to erase dark coloration under eyes.Why does it work? Potatoes contain catecholase which is used in many different kinds of cosmetics as a skin lightener.

2. cucumber: Chilled cucumber slices over the eyes helps to alleviate puffiness and also gives the skin a rejuvenated feel and look. Take two slices of cucumber and place then over the eyes make sure the cucumber is in full contact with the area. Leave on for 15 minutes.

3. Water: Drink your daily requirement of water. Sometimes dark circles form under the eyes as a sign of dry skin. Make sure you keep your self hydrated, that is a key element to having a great and even complexion.

4.Sleep: Sleep of course. Having a great nights rest can mean the difference between being fresh face and just Looking pale which will make your dark circles stand out.

5.Rose water: Take chilled rose water and dip some cotton balls in it and gently wipe in an upwards motion the affected area for 5 minutes or just leave over eyes for 15 min. Rose water is a great coolant.

Helpful tip: For the cucumbers and potatoes i like to cut mine in crescent moon shapes and place under my eye so i can still open my eyes and the treatment has better contact with the area.

I have tried all of these at some point and out of the treatments listed above the one that worked noticeably was the potato treatment. I applied it 3 times a day and in a week my dark circles were a thing of the past. What causes dark circles? There are a couple main things that can cause dark circles under your eyes. The main one is heredity. Too much sun exposure. The boost of melanin makes dark circles look darker. Lack of sleep is tricky it doesnt cause dark circles in truth. Lack of sleep makes your skin pale which makes dark circles more noticeable. Lastly, another factor is age. As we age our skin gets thinner and so it makes the dark circles more noticeable.

Please feel free to List some of your favorite tried and true DIY beauty remedies.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Let's Talk about Milks Baby!

I am lactose intolerant, so I'm always trying different kinds of milk that won't be so hard on me. From Lactaid to soy milk and everything in between but one of my faves is almond milk. What do I do when I run out of my beloved almond milk, and it's late at night, or I am too tired to run to the store? I make my own; it is relatively simple to make. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to make almond milk !!!

Almond Milk

This is a delicious alternative for dairy based milks. Some interesting facts about almond milk are it lacks casein and is safer for people like myself who have a lactose intolerance or milk allergy, it also contains less saturated fat than cows milk. I love to use my almond milk as a base for my fruit smoothies the result is a thick and creamy smoothie with a slight nutty flavor. There are many different recipes for almond milk but its all about personal taste, experiment and find one that is best for you. Here are some I enjoy.

Almond Milk:
1 cup of raw organic almonds (soaked overnight in the refrigerator in filtered or purified water) when ready for use drain and rinse almonds really good.
3 to 4 cups purified water (depends on how thick or thin you want it I prefer it thin.)
Blend in a blender until smooth and you don't hear clicking when blending. Careful not to let the blender heat up since it can harm the healthy enzymes of your milk. Pour your almond mixture into a strainer such as a cheesecloth or nut milk bag over a bowl and begin to gently press your bag until all the liquid is expressed. You will have almond pulp left in your strainer. You can save it and reuse it for recipes. To store place in a freezer safe container, seal and freeze until ready for use. Now back to the milk. You can place it in a glass container and store in your refrigerator for 3 to 5 days shake before use as some separation may occur...don't worry its totally normal. I like to add a couple things to mine.
  I use the above recipe but add vanilla. you can add a vanilla bean just scrape the seeds into the blender and a pinch of sea salt when blending the milk. Vanilla extract works fine too. If you like it sweet you can add a bit of agave nectar or a soaked date or two. Make sure to remove the pit from your date and blend the date prior to the almond mixture, set aside.once your almonds are in the blender add the blended date pulp. I use Medjool dates because they are plump and sweet. Its all to taste in my kitchen so play with it. For chocolate milk add some raw cacao powder and for strawberry milk add strawberries  when blending.

Don't have time to soak nuts overnight? No problem. I have a quick almond milk that is just as tasty but is less work.

Quick Almond Milk:

1 tablespoon of raw almond butter
(I personally use Mara Natha all natural raw almond butter creamy, as pictured above)
2 cups purified water more or less depends if you like it thin or thick just add a little at a time till you reach your preference

Blend in blender until smooth. Strain through cheesecloth or nut bag...don't have one handy? A stocking works too! (Take a new stocking cut off a foot piece long enough to use to strain then soak in hot water and dry before use) Now the fun part holds your filter of choice over a container and gently press the liquid out. Store leftover pulp. Put your milk into a glass container I use mason jars, or I reuse glass Large glass mason jars for larger quantities. Enjoy your milk as is like it cold? Use cold filtered water from the fridge when making for instant use. Always refrigerate your milks. If you have any questions or suggestions, please post.

Food Fight!

In a time where even our foods have chemicals, we cannot pronounce. Where what we put in or on our bodies to nourish and protect us can harm us. Enough is enough. I say we fight back. I say we fight cancer and all other diseases caused by free radicals in our system. How? By taking care of ourselves. Eating foods that are organic and natural. We should demand it! Only the best food and products closest to nature as possible, don't we deserve that much? If you can't pronounce what's in your diet or on a label if you don't even know what it is, should you consume it? I would say no. So I am going to list some of the best foods at fighting and preventing illnesses. How do they do it? By attacking free radicals that make us ill, by boosting our immune systems, and by helping prevent radicals from forming, to begin with. The following foods are inexpensive and easy to incorporate in our every day eating habits.

Coconut water is one of the most abundant natural dietary sources of cytokinins which means its great for cell growth; normal cells stay healthy while cancerous cells are programmed to die, preventing them from growing and spreading, early research on cytokinins was funded by The American Cancer Society. You can buy coconut water prepackaged organic and chemical free. Ingredients will list just coconut water which I have to say "you gotta love that"! I like to add coconut water to my morning smoothies or mix 8 oz in my favorite juice.

Papaya rich in enzymes called papain and chymopapain which helps with the digestion, mainly it breaks down the proteins from the food we eat into amino acids. Eating papaya after a meal makes for better absorption, prevents bloating and chronic indigestion. It can also lower the inflammation in the body. Encourages the renewal of muscle tissue. Supports the cardiovascular system and boosts up the immune system. Is there anything papaya is not good for?

Goji berries. I buy Goji berries from my local whole foods market. I mix them in my morning oatmeal or add them to trail mix. They also taste delicious in a salad. You don't need a lot of berries a daily serving of these delightful little miracle berries merely is 10 grams. I use a sprinkle every morning in whatever I decide to eat for breakfast. If you are taking medications that thin the blood, then do not eat goji berries since they have a slight anticoagulant effect on the blood.
Goji berries are a rich source of vitamin C, having 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges. They are also a superb source of vitamin A, more beta-carotene than carrots. They have vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E

Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats.

Chili peppers and jalapenos contain a chemical, capsaicin, which may neutralize certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) and may help prevent cancers such as stomach cancer.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks roaming oxygen molecules, known as free radicals, which are suspected of triggering cancer. It appears that the hotter the weather, the more lycopene tomatoes produce. They also have vitamin C, an antioxidant which can prevent cellular damage that leads to cancer. Watermelons, carrots, and red peppers also contain these substances, but in lesser quantities. It is concentrated by cooking tomatoes. Scientists in Israel have shown that lycopene can kill mouth cancer cells. An increased intake of lycopene has already been linked to a reduced risk of breast, prostate, pancreas and colorectal cancer.

Flax contains lignans, which may have an antioxidant effect and block or suppress cancerous changes. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to protect against colon cancer and heart disease.

 Lemons contain Limonene which stimulates cancer-killing immune cells (lymphocytes, e.g.) that may also break down cancer-causing substances.

 Onions rich in a variety of sulfides provide some protection against tumor growth
Put the above five ingredients together with a side of flax crackers, and you have a cancer-fighting snack that is one of my favorite things to spread on a sandwich instead of mayo.... Guacamole!!!!

 Of course, there are many other foods we can eat that help a variety of things. I as usual only listed a few. I feel strongly that a lot of illnesses can be prevented with a diet rich in whole organic foods and an exercise regime. So remember next time your feeling under the weather fight it with food :)
I would love to see everyone go as natural and eat fruits and veggies that are organic and tasted the way nature intended. Putting foreign things that we don't understand in our bodies can reek havoc. So the next time you have a cold or a headache before you reach for the pills look up some natural remedies first. Give mother nature a try. If it doesn't work for you, then do what you feel is best. Whatever ails you I'm sure there is a natural remedy out there that will work for you.